Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Android Smartphones Dominated by 10 Apps

Smart Phone News: Android Smartphones Dominated by 10 Apps

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August 24, 2011
Smart Phone News
Android Smartphones Dominated by 10 Apps Nearly half of all US Android activity can be traced to only 10 hugely popular apps, an analyst finds.
Android App Review: DC Comics DC Comics makes up for what it lacks in features with the sheer breadth of its catalog.
Is LTE 4G iPhone Coming? Signs Point That Way Carriers are already testing LTE-enabled iPhones, and so is Apple -- which is hiring LTE engineers and installed LTE network equipment in at least one of its stores.
iPhone App Collection: Turn On, Tune In, Tap Out Watching TV doesn't have to be a passive experience. With these iOS apps, you can check local listings, manage your recordings, and connect with fans of the shows you like.
iPhone App Review: Tracks Social photography app lacks social integration
App Review: NOOK for Android by B&N Analysis: Reading and purchasing books on the go is easy with Nook for Android.
iPhone 5 Expected to Have Dual-Mode Capabilities An unidentified iOS device that has popped up in usage logs suggests that the device can run on CDMA and GSM networks.
NYC Wants Pay-By-Phone Parking Meters Plans are underway to let drivers pay parking meters by cellphone, eliminating the need for the search for loose change.
Latest BlackBerry Bold Earns Lackluster Reviews Reviewers agree that Research in Motion's latest phone is thin and beautiful, but they also say it's overpriced and still no match for its iPhone and Android rivals.
Apple Seeks Ban on All Galaxy Smartphones, Tablets in EU In its case against Samsung Electronics in the Netherlands, Apple is demanding an extensive ban on all Galaxy series smartphones and tablets
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